Backstage Drama RPG Community

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You want to join us Backstage?

You HAVE to e-Mail the Moderators at Here with the following information:

  1. The character you would like to play
  2. An e-mail address or other contact for your character
  3. A Instant Messegener screen-name (AIM, Yahoo, MSN--those AIM is the preferred IM program of BD)
  4. Where you heard about Backstage Drama (plug in another group or another player)

Since DeadJournal now requires invites codes to start a journal, if you want to join the game you have to get us all your contact information FIRST, before we can reply with an invite code. No code, no journal...I think you see how this is going. If you don't need an invite code, that's OK...but PLEASE e-mail us your information anyway, so that we have a heads up that a new person is joining the group.

Keep in mind there is a "probabtion" period before you are addded to the Backstage Drama community. However, you are free to begin playing as soon as your create your journal and add the Backstage Drama journal to your friends' list. You need to make sure that the Backstage Drams's Website ( is listed as your website, and that you have at least ONE user icon for your character. Please e-mail to find out how to add a Disclaimer to your entries, or if you have any questions for the Moderator Team before you start playing.

NOTE: We expect and require you to update your journal on a regular basis and to have a decent knowlegde of the character/s you are portraying. If you're a strong writer, looking to truly be able to expand a particular character and want to have a chance to tell a compelling story...welcome aboard.


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